Authentication Details

Your item has passed authentication.

Certificate of Authenticity

The following item is certified authentic:

Reservoir Dogs Poster

Hand-signed by: Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Chris Penn, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi, Lawrence Tierney, and Quentin Tarantino

Age Analyses: 99%

Autograph Structure Analyses: 100%

Ink Analyses: 98%

Exemplar Analyses: 100%


This esteemed item has successfully undergone rigorous scrutiny under our scientifically backed, industry-approved authentication system. Our meticulous verification process ensures that each item’s authenticity is beyond question, thereby securing your investment with absolute certainty. We are pleased to affirm that the authenticity of this item is 100% guaranteed. Furthermore, the Certificate of Authenticity accompanying this item is fully transferable, enhancing its value and providing an additional layer of assurance for future transactions or inheritances.

  Michael Freedman, CEO – President